Friday, 31 August 2012

Salesforce Dev 401 Dumps 3

Salesforce Dev 401 Dumps 3

1. Using a formula field how would a developer calculate the number of days since a record has been created? The CreatedDate field is a DateTime type field.
a. TODAY() – DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)
b. NOW() – DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)
c. TODAY() – CreatedDate
d. CreatedDate – TODAY()

Ans. a

2. Using the platform declarative model to build an application, which of the following do you NOT have to do? Please select three (3) choices.
a. Install a database server
b. Configure an application using clicks not code
c. Deploy a web server
d. Administer and e-mail server

Ans. a,c,d

3. An organization wants to create a field to store manager data on the user object. The manager field is a reference to another user record. What type of relationship should be used?
a. Master-Detail
b. Hierarchical
c. Lookup
d. Many-to-many

Ans. b

4. What is true about a junction object?
a. A custom object that has two Master-Detail relationships
b. A custom object that has a Master-Detail relationship
c. A standard object that has two Master-Detail relationships
d. A standard object that has a Master-Detail relationship

Ans. a

5. What is true about a cross-object formula field for a Master-Detail relationship?
a. You can only create a cross-object formula field on the parent object
b. You can only create a cross-object formula field on the child object
c. You can create a cross-object formula field on both the parent and child object
d. A cross-object formula field is not available for a Master-Detail relationship

Ans. b

Salesforce Dev 401 Dumps 2

Salesforce Dev 401 Dumps 2

1. Which custom fields can be made universally required?
a. Formula
b. Lookup
c. E-mail
d. URL

Ans. c

2. How many master relationships can be there per detail object?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Ans. b

3. How many lookup relationships can be there per child?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 15
d. 25

Ans. d

4. Which of the following is NOT a step in creating a junction object?
a. Creating the custom object to serve as the junction object between the two master objects
b. Creating two Master-Detail relationships
c. Customizing the related lists on the page layouts of the two master objects
d. Creating two lookup relationships

Ans. d

5. An organization wants to use custom objects to track bugs. The organization wants the ability to link related bugs to parent bugs in a parent-child relationship. What type of relationship should be used?
a. Master-Detail
b. Self
c. Hierarchically
d. Many-to-many

Ans. b

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Salesforce Dev 401 Dumps 1

Salesforce Dev 401 Dumps 1

1. Out of the following things which can be done using the platform? (Select two)
a. Data-warehousing
b. Applications with clicks and not code
c. Applications can be upgraded without loss of customization
d. Code version control system

Ans. b,c

2. Out of the following which applications are suitable for (Choose three)
a. Time card application
b. Word processor
c. Online auction management
d. Inventory management

Ans. a,c,d

3. Where are IDs identical?
a. Production and full copy sandbox only
b. Production and dev sandbox only
c. Two developer orgs
d. Two sandbox org

Ans. a

4. Which of the following refers to the data model of Salesforce? (Choose 2)
a. API
b. metadata API
c. Sandbox
d. IDE

Ans. a,b

5. What types of Salesforce edition are not available?
a. Enterprise edition
b. Unlimited edition
c. limited edition
d. Developer edition

Ans. c

Crack Dev 401 certification exam

Important Topics for Dev 401 certification exam as per order

The Certified Developer exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the objectives listed below :
Security Controls (Sharing Rules / Org-Wide Default/Profile/FLS/Role Hierarchy)
Approval Processes (Unanimous / Parallel / Dynamic Routing)
Validation rules and Workflow rules 
Report / Report Types / Dashboards / Dynamic Dashboards 
Analytical Snapshot
Master-Detail / Lookup / Hierarchical relationships / Junction Object
Monitoring (Set Audit Trail/ Field History Tracking/ Debug Log/System Log)
Data Loader / Import Wizard
Formula Fields/ Encrypted Fields / External Ids
Governor Limits
401 is a multiple-choice/multiple-select proctored exam. Most of the questions comes from the above topics in the Exam.

**Note :- This blog post helpful for Certified Developer (Dev 401) and new topics may add with NEW RELEASE so prefer Study Guide also provided by salesforce.